What is Your Leadership Impact in Your Life or Business?

Jul 08, 2023

I've worked with leaders who think they're a good leader but have minimal results, or growth. Most are actually shutting down ideas from the people around them. This usually happens when they’ve disconnected from the original intention of what or whom they are leading in many cases.

They often become stubborn and rigid, or they might be doing things because they’re feeling like their employees, or even their kids don't care anymore. It’s  usually because they’re disconnected from their own fulfillment, and it’s being mirrored back to them.

When a leader is no longer experiencing fulfilled within their heart, those who follow or aspire can also experience the same.

If you are no longer feeling fulfilled, happy, or challenging yourself to grow in positive and meaningful ways, life has less meaning, and your business and life loses its meaning and drive.

Everyone’s the Leader of their own Life!

Where are you leading yourself towards? How are...

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You Are Worthy, Can’t You See It?

May 19, 2023

If you’re upset that you haven’t fulfilled all your dreams or goals – such as deep connections with your loved ones, improved health, or increased wealth, please stop it. You have punished yourself enough and held your goals at arms reach long enough. Instead, let’s bring you closer to the inspiration you deserve.

The reason you haven’t reached your desires yet is because of the critical way you treat yourself. The way you may be belittling your attempts, or anger towards yourself about the resistance and unknown fears you can’t seem to break through.

What you need and probably haven’t gotten enough of in your younger years is encouragement and inspiration. Kids need to know that they matter, and they’re valued. When they don’t receive adequate amounts, they turn on themselves, blaming themselves for the disappointment they saw in their parents or caregiver’s eyes.  

We now know how important it is to be mindful of the...

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