Will the Real You Please Show Up?

Aug 18, 2023

Too often, we find ourselves cycling over and over again in the same…stuff. We didn’t come here to stay stuck. We came here to find a way to pull ourselves out of our stuck places. But what many don’t realize is that there is a HUGE reward when we change our limiting cycles that keep  us stuck…we find our true identity that was buried beneath the fear, anger, sadness, and shame our passed traumas created.  

Hidden Beneath

If you’re struggling in some way, personally or professionally, you deserve to stop the battles so you can fully enjoy every precious moment your life offers.

Within your continual struggles is the real you that didn’t feel safe enough to reveal the real genius of who you really are.

Your negative experiences change you, especially when you’re young. What happens is that the parts of you that were hurt (emotionally, mentally, physically, or spiritually) become dormant, as you then take on another persona that...

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What does “Transform Your Life” Really Mean?

Jul 16, 2023

There are many people who are confused when they hear the term “transform your life.” I’d like to help clear up some misunderstandings creating undue anxiety. Actually, until recently, the holistic fields knew the mechanics on the spiritual level, but now science is providing more pieces, giving us clarity, relief, and credibility. Now, we have the missing language and links to address how change takes place on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels.

This is giving us more techniques to provide faster healing and transformation on deeper levels. For instance, if you’ve been trying to achieve the dreams that have been in your heart, but it just hasn’t happened, there is a wound within you preventing your dreams from becoming a reality.

Science is Now Saying It’s True!

Science now shows us 90% of the results we experience in our lives come from our unconscious mind, not our conscious choices.

Your conscious mind is the goal...

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